Coleslaw Recipe Jamie Oliver
Summer is here so I thought I should make a healthy rainbow slaw but I needed a little bit of help so I went on the streets and found this guy named Jamie Oliver, so we're making a rainbow so of all these different vegetables very bright you can do it on the side with meat fish whatever you like
Well basically me and amber I'm gonna do on my channel really delicious gluten-free healthy chicken nuggets real one yeah real with actual chicken but to kick it or to kick her it or to go on the side like a kicker I'm trying to get down with a kid I'm just like a dad so I'm just you know stop trying got one of them yeah so we're gonna do a slaw and a slaw is a delicious thing
I think if you can kind of like react to what's in season what's around it can be really fun really healthy and one of the sorts of The only unhealthy aspects of slaw are you put tons of mayonnaise on it which we love male yeah we love it but if you want to kind of like ramp that back by like 95% calorie-wise we're going to do it with yogurt mustard olive oil lemon juice herbs and that's my name and we're gonna get really delicious so sure you're shredding yeah show him your gadget show me your gadget
I've got this fancy little peeler so you have a normal feel this one has little teeth do you think our carrot is boring but then you shred it like that and it looks cool for stir-fries salads it's kind of cool and for the cabbage you need to slice it but you could use a box grater so we're just going to shred it like that and they work really
Really well this is white cabbage so there's super cheap things that you can get in all the supermarket's for me like if you're eating ribs roasted meats grilled meats fish like I kind of treat this a little a bit like salsa so it's kind of got that little twang that little bit of why I said you could grate anything if I can literally show you into the inner workings the inner workings of a beet this is a golden beet we're always thinking these things are dangerous of course
they are dangerous yeah but I started using a knife in the kitchen a real kitchen when I was 8 years old kids are really cool they're really clever and but I think having parents teach kids how to do it safely and like respecting knives that would solve a lot of problems but I do think come on man that is way better than I thought you we're gonna be okay you can stop now you've made your pot she's a lot better then most of the team out of the bag they were gonna can't believe but getting comfortable with a knife and respecting it super important so that was my daddy bit on your channel
Well uh should we dress this bad boy yes so you can actually make a delicious white creamy dressing by using lovely yogurt I'm gonna hit it up with some English mustard but you could use whole grain or I had that yesterday DJ BBQs maybe try that plain and I was like this what do you think that's gonna go on our pork that's what he does good old DJ V and then I'm gonna go in with just a little nice olive oil and it's squeezed a lemon juice and then I'll chop in some fresh mint and that is going to be like 90% less saturated fats the Mayo you only just chop those for me
Darlin so you show off your skills again salmon goes in and then we go in with half a lemon juice and a pinch of salt then I'll just steal some of this and some of this get all this in there so that is my creamy slaw and but you are going to do yours and you're going to do it gem self so do you want to do your just fruit I just broke it and so we're gonna do one part balsamic to two parts olive oil and then you can put a bit of whole-grain mustard ooh and a pinch of salt and you'll be laughs it and then put the lid on and give it a good old shake I watched one of your videos a while ago so I can do a pretty good imitation of you go up so you're making fajitas and you had your vegetables in a pan
You were open give it a little shaky shaky when I was so entertaining all you over in these days Seattle you stay at Washington okay so you pour away and get your hand in there girl okay and then we're gonna have a little try mmm nice you said so in their little pepper just makes it taste nice you know can I try yours mm-hmm did I put me in yours no have you ever put me in a slaw before I think I've had it I don't think I put in before good that's really good personally you know is good because you like doing the shaky the chicken movie let's plate this up let's make it look nice
So there is the rainbow floor with the creamy dressing and then let's play you own up as well because it's looking good yeah so this would be good with like herbs or some cheese has it already you know it's good because you can have fun with it, other is ribs or like in sandwiches like Scooby's next you know a Scooby Snack is oh man I'm so old you don't even know Trevi oh yeah Scooby Snack big savage man gee got it Stosh now you maybe do an impression of scooby-doo live on your channel
Hey did you say cheese, yeah okay there's some feta madam ah thank one more delicately from a height above would be beautiful creamy and German everything in there is just deliciously healthy and gorgeous it was very nice doing business with you you had what we do at Hollister burger yeah we go down with that too in Essex yes I am Thank You family on your channel but now you're going over to my channel guys come and check out what this goes with on food tube me and amber are going to cook proper gluten-free healthy real real chicken roads come over now and if you haven't subscribed to the lovely girls channel click the boot lip blink good thing yes it's called a boy somewhere there is hair there you