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Creamy Cabbage Slaw For Fish Tacos


Creamy Cabbage Slaw For Fish Tacos

Hi everyone and welcome to my kitchen my My name is Rosanna and today I have a very delicious recipe we are going to be making I had never had a fish taco I had what may be a year ago and when I did I fell in love with it so today we're going to be making fish tacos to top it off I'm going to be making an avocado so I was like you are going to love so let's start it our first step is gonna be getting started on our Pico and for that I'm gonna take two tomatoes and I'm gonna cut them into Fords then 

I'm gonna see them which means I'm gonna go ahead and cut the center where the seeds are because I'm not gonna want all those extra juices I want it clean Ted and we're gonna proceed and cut them into small cuts okay so now that our tomatoes are done let's go ahead and take an onion now we're only going to be using half of this onion so let's make sure that when we cut through we're not cutting all the way through because we still want to hold our onion together but first, we're gonna cut it vertically and then horizontally and just remember that The closer your cuts are the smaller your cuts will come out,  it is jalapeno time so with this helping you what we're gonna do is cut it through the middle and then we're gonna take the seeds out and cut them in small cuts and now let's move on to our yellow bell pepper now this one 

I just threw in the recipe because I just happen to have it around and there are no rules no regulations oh why not I figured it would give my Pico a gray color all right so I have already taken the seeds out and now I'm ready to go ahead and slice my bell pepper and then I'm also gonna cut them into small cuts just like this we could not leave our cilantro let's go ahead and just cut it up as well I don't have an exact measurement on the cilantro but just a small bunch would do or you can also just use your judgment whatever you like best we most definitely cannot leave out our lines it would not be a pika without limes so let's go ahead and squeeze a whole lime in there and let's not forget our salt just taste it if you feel like you need more ads as you please it's up to your taste buds let's take all of the ingredients we have cut up and start doing some mixing just mix mix all the way through very well all around mix it well our pico is ready so let's set it aside and move on to our next set of ingredients which are radishes 

I have taken about 6 radishes and I'm using my mandolin again if you don't know how to use this you're not experienced didn't I don't suggest you try this just do it with your knife but if you decide you're a pro at this just make sure you follow your manuals instructions if not you can always use your knife once you're done a quick little tip you can put them into water just so that they don't lose that freshness and brightness that they have and just set aside for our slaw we will be using cabbage so we're gonna take half of my cabbage and go ahead and shred and you can do it by knife and in my case because I love my Madeleine and I've gotten comfortable with it I'm gonna be also using my mandolin but if you're not experienced do not use it [Music] once we're done with our cabbage it'll go ahead and take it to put it in a container and make sure that you go ahead and wash this before use for our avocado sauce and let's start by adding one clove of garlic so the first time I tried a fish taco one of the things 

I did not like was the sauce ahead on top so I felt like it was overpowering it and it could have really tasted every a single piece of the taco so I decided I was going to go for something even better so I'm gonna go ahead and do an avocado salsa right on top of it this salsa is so creamy and full of flavor you are going to love it it complements this fish taco so well so without hesitation let's take two avocados cut them in half take out the seed and with a spoon it into your blender let's now add 1/2 a cup of olive oil 1/2 a cup of sour cream and a whole lemon for some spice I have taken chila pecan pods they're dried they're pretty spicy but if you don't have this you can use some red chilies as well for the final step let's season it with salt and let's get this blending this is going to turn out to be a very thick salsa so if you need to stop your blender move it around a little bit and then keep blending until you get the consistency you want let's go ahead and taste our salsa even if it needs more salt you can go ahead and add it and with the spoon just mix it in well and once you like what you taste you can set aside and we can go on to our next step it is time to cook our tilapias 

I have four fillets in a bowl and I'm just gonna go ahead and cut them into strips and then cut across my fish to kind of get small pieces of fish just because we want to be able to fit a couple of pieces in each taco to CSUN we will take salt and pepper and sprinkle it over our cut pieces next we will go ahead and start mixing it up just incorporate all of our seasoning let's get started on our two pura batter first we're gonna start by sifting our AP flour we're gonna need two cups of AP flour to make sure your flour is sifted we want no lumps in our batter let's take two eggs and crack them I will now grab a fork and mix them up real well I will set them aside for a little business I will need them shortly I will see soon my AP flour just lightly since we've already seasoned our fish as well let's take two cups of ice-cold water and put it into our AP flour then let's take our eggs and do the same thing and with the whisk I will just start mixing it in for our next step let's start by prepping a pan where we're gonna be frying our fish 

I am using vegetable oil and I will go ahead and test it with a strip of my fish to see if the oil is hot enough and it looks like it is so we're gonna proceed and dip the rest of our fish into the batter also before I forget I went ahead and added a little bit of flour to my fish after sitting in it just because this will help the batter stay on the fish just a little a tip I did and I forgot to put it on camera but if you do it it'll help greatly okay so just keep on dipping your fish into your batter and carefully putting in in your hot pan make sure that you don't overcrowd it just want to put enough in there to cook well let's repeat until all of our fish are well cooked and ready to serve, let me give you a close-up on water fish is looking like these are so crispy and so gorgeous looking I mean look at how crispy they look this is gonna give our a taco a very enjoyable crunch I'm so excited and we're back we are done with every single item that we needed some crap so now we're gonna go ahead and assemble our tacos not let me tell you I got a little carried away 

I went ahead and made fresh tortillas handmade here in my kitchen but you don't have to do that you can just buy some and just heat them up and then assemble it so let's go ahead and I'll teach you how to do it okay so let's open this up and let me take three of my tortillas they're hot I just made them it took me a little bit longer but let me tell you handmade tortillas made in your kitchen are the best and they're so worth it okay so now we're gonna go ahead and take our fish guys, you know what I'm just gonna bill in my hand's guys these are beautiful they came out still crispy I am drooling over this so just place it on your tortilla, I'm gonna do two pieces cuz they're kind of big but just put them in there how you feel like it and now I'm gonna go ahead and take my slaw put it in there as well just like that they're so good and I'm gonna go ahead and take my ketone and lay it right on top look at all those beautiful colors after this I'm gonna dig in this is going to be my dinner so I am so excited about it all right a nice portion of it in there this looks so good so yummy okay now we gonna take some of my radishes and put they on top just like that took a little a bit more and once you have all of that done we're gonna take our avocado salsa and this is perfect I didn't want it to be running I want it to be creamy so let's go ahead and take a dollop and just do it right on top there you go beautiful okay guys take a look at these tacos  

Okay so now let's go ahead and taste one like this is good I'm gonna try to be careful I know this may get a little bit messy but I'm so so so happy  these are so good  oh my god that avocado sauce it's just so perfect with this taco oh my god you have to try this these are amazing this is a recipe I'm going to be doing very often so reach the end of this video but if you would like for me to make a video on how to make fresh tortillas comment below and we will try to get it done also do not forget to subscribe and Click the notification bell so that you can see all of my videos thank you so much for your support and I got some taco-eating to do so I'll see you next time

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