Big Dipper Pizza Hut Review
I know it's upside down Pizza Hut going
retro with the old logo right there but
check this bad boy out nearly two feet
of Dibble pizza there it is the Big Dipper
Pizza Hut so this is $12.99 on special
and I think three years ago they came
out with the big flavor dipper very
similar concept
there are 24 slices pieces of squares of
dip Bowl pizza in here and they give
you two marinara sauce as a ranch and a
honey barbecue for dipping and there's
no sauce on the pizza it's basically
just I don't know glorified breadsticks
but this thing is huge it is a huge check
it out one more time all right let's get
up close and personal with it here it is
the Big Dipper yeah I'm gonna get all
into some astronomy right now so let's
check it out
All right check it out I like the fact
that you can fold the top and it makes
kind of like a table on the bottom that
is a nice little touch you see the Pizza
Hut the ranch
there's the honey barbecue dipping sauce
there are the two Marineris for dipping
as well and check that outlook at that
tons of Pizza goodness now it's a one
thing Pizza I elected to go with half
cheese and half pepperoni that's just
the way I want it to roll today so let's
just dig in right here so like I said
there's no sauce on this so that's why
they give you the dipping sauce so let's
just give it a shot right now so take
one of these bad boys out and you know
how we do it let's get it up close and
personal all right here we go when I dip
you dip we dip
Oh all right they're not
reinventing the wheel here but they are
giving you a lot of food for $12.99 this
is perfect I went in for an extra dip
here we go yeah so I mean it your
standard a square pizza from Pizza up
there is a lot of it one more time let
I give you a close-up right there check
it out
obviously not the best thing to eat in
the car but I wanted to give you the
best look and it is what it is so I'm
gonna take one of those cheese slices
I'm gonna do a triple-dip and we're
gonna give this a rating I'm gonna send
you on your way but I needed to get this
out public service announcement letting
you know that this is on the menu over
at Pizza Hut so let's get dipping
right check it out there is a slice of
the cheese up close and personal let's
do the triple dip there we go there we
go there we go I mean they're giving it
to you whoa almost lost it that would
have been nice okay yeah I do like that a nice little concoction of all three the
dipping sauces I did not double-dip
though the name of this is the Big
Dipper not the double-dipper but I'm
still not gonna be double-dipping so I
don't know I'm gonna have to put this
down we're gonna give it a rating I've
almost dropped it like four times gonna
take this inside this is definitely
Something you need to share with someone
but again for $12.99 no-brainer
three words no brain all right nothing
better to wash that down with than an
iced cocoa mocha latte Dunkin Donuts now
probably the worst thing pizza and
coffee no but all right let's give it a
reading shall we on a scale of 1 to 100
with one meaning don't even waste your
money and 100 being the Promised Land of
I'm going to give the Big Dipper pizza
from Pizza Hut a rating of I mean for
the price and what you're getting one
topping almost 2 feet of pizza it's like
a 92 it's a couple notch over 9 out of
10 for all you keeping score at home
logging it into your endorsement
notebooks I like this
I like the fact
that you can pick this up for 13 bucks
bring it to a party you know you have a
star of the show you walk in there like
hey pizza's here
then you're forgotten about dip dip dip
dip and I don't know where I was
going with that but yeah bring it to the party you will be loved too for it's
probably again 13 bucks out the door no
all right so there you go another review
in the books please like comment share
and subscribe also please don't forget
to check me out on Instagram and Twitter
that is social media getting the word of
my channel out to the masses all right
in closing have you seen this
check your Pizza Hut app I went looking
for the Detroit style pizza from Pizza I
think it's only available in the test
markets and I ran across this nice
little find I'm about to go eat myself
into a pizza coma, you're welcome. All right bonus footage so yeah like I
was saying you kind of just hold this I
don't want to drop it can you take the
top put the top back down and it covers
it back up I like it
I like it ingenuity Pizza Hut Videolytics