Restaurants Prepare to Reopen
Beach restaurant is down 90 percent all
but one of her 30 employees out of a job
along with 8 million others who work in
restaurants across the country so
everyone else is laid off indoor dining
is still off the table in South Carolina
but as the governor begins allowing more
businesses to reopen some are prepping
for the day when diners may be allowed
back inside
I have been preparing in my
brain-like what I want to do some ideas
she has included removing condiments and
napkin dispensers from tables giving
each guest a disposable paper menu
guests will have to wait outside to be
seated and she'll space out tables to
comply with social distancing fewer
tables though means fewer customers and
less revenue
I think that the profit
margin is going to be even slimmer but I
just want to make enough to pay bills
and you know keep my employees employed
getting employees back won't be
instantaneous we have to bring them back
then they have to train them then they
have to make sure they have all the
right-hand sanitizer and protocols at
the federal level some members of the
coronavirus task force are cautioning
about reopening businesses too quickly
like restaurants, if there's a way that
people can social distance and do those
things then they can do those things
don't know how but people are very
creative but there are fears that not
every restaurant will survive the corona
virus pandemic and that when all this is
over the restaurant scene, we've become
very accustomed to well
very different I'm nervous for some
restaurants though Jamie hopes Johnny
D's will still be left standing
I just want to be here for when this is
done in Myrtle Beach South Carolina this
one would look good thrown in the dirt
I'm Maya Rodriguez reporting