Today I'm going to be
doing a simple crock-pot barbecue
chicken and the things that you're going
to need for this recipe is obviously
some chicken I have five pounds of drama
I have Weber KC barbecue rub I have some
Weber dry smoking rub Saison classic,
and barbecue sauce of your choice
Course these ingredients can vary
depending on how you seasoned yours this
is what I like it's very good you can
use any type of I would recommend like
barbecue seasoning if you want it to
carry the whole barbecue flavor
throughout the duration of it cooking I
have a very simple crock pot it's not
anything fancy I just have it on high
and I usually cook these until I'm
satisfied with the tenderness and it's
usually somewhere between I don't know I
have to tell you guys at the end because
I don't want to give you a wrong
timeframe so I'm definitely going to go
back over it with you to make sure I'll
let you know the timing so saison
classic all this is an all-purpose
I use this a lot in my cooking
cooking because it has pretty much
everything in here
you can also buy it with no salt okay KC
barbecue rub and I'm kind of using the
palm of my hand at this point to get the
things open because with chickens you
want to be very careful and honestly I
just kind of eyeball it if you need to
measure it out I would say I don't know
you can measure it out if that's what
you prefer to do I don't measure a lot
of the time this is the dry smoked rub
I'm going to sprinkle just a little bit
of that in there since we already have
the KC barbecue rub and I'm gonna just
go in
my remove my ring rings and we're gonna
give these a good rub and as you can see
they're coated already pretty well and
that's how we want it so I'm just gonna
start laying these in the crock pot
depending on how big your crock pot will
also help determine how much you can
actually put inside your crock pot
I'm gonna
mention it but of course you already
know I already washed and clean this
chicken before I got started if you
aren't sure on how to clean chicken,
gonna wash my hands really quickly and
I'm also going to go ahead and wash my
bowl out in the sink or anything else
that the chicken may have touched on
just for hygiene purposes so you don't
have to do this but I just do that
immediately and just have it instead of
having the bowl sitting around
all right you guys so now we are all
cleaned up only thing I do now is
literally just go over the chicken and
pour the barbecue sauce
Down your head
like this no need to stir it around or
anything at this time I just want to do
it just like this we're gonna put our
top on and I will come back to you guys
when we are done I will let you know
exactly how long this cooked
I was just showing you guys where we are
now at the two-and-a-half hour mark our
chicken is done for some reason I was
thinking it would be three hours so I
checked it after two and a half hour
mark but we're already finished
it's almost falling apart some of the
pieces on the bottom so I'm about to
take this out I'm going to put it in a
pan and broil these on high for about
five minutes or until our top gets nice
and crispy and I'm gonna glaze it with
some of the barbecue sauce that we have
Not used the sauce that's in here obviously you want to pour that off into
another container and have that as a
dipping sauce or something to drench
over the top when it's done cooking so
that nothing goes to waste so stay tuned
we are almost done with this crock pot
all right y'all so I'm about to start
trying to get this out of here without
tearing them apart because
they're so tender as we already saw just
a minute ago I wouldn't recommend using
fingers either because that is pretty
pretty hot and I don't want to use my
tongues because I don't want them to
tear apart if you don't mind the soft
skin but I all means stop here but I
have a house full of picky eaters and
crispy skin on chicken
It's just a
must-have so
so now we have our chicken all lined up
in here
sorry about that with the camera I'm
gonna go ahead and turn my oven on and
let that start getting hot gonna take
some more of this barbecue sauce squeeze
it on the top of this and have one of my
little brushes here you'll have our
brush take a butter knife the back of a
spoon anything like that and just smooth
this BBQ sauce over it took glaze all
over your chicken if there's anything
else that you want to add brown sugar
just whatever now it's the time
I'm gonna finish glazing this and I'm
gonna sprinkle a little bit of our dry
rub also back onto the top okay this is
gonna give us so much flavor so much
flavor having on sprinkle setting and
just sprinkled over the top just like
that just to finish it off okay that's
it and take some of this juice and kind
of pour it into the sides don't pour it
directly on top of the chicken W just
glaze find a side and pour it down in
there it'll help keep moisture on his
chicken while it's brawling
try to avoid getting on top like I just
did right there but it's just a little
bit so it won't matter ooh that's hot
I'm gonna put this into the oven and I'm
gonna come back and show you guys the
final results you
so you guys this is the finish results
does a baked chicken from the crock-pot
that we put into the broiler for five
minutes and just let it cooked all the
way through on the top let it get a
little crispy give it a little bit of
scorch and occur of course some of that
rubbing seasoning hatched like brown
sugar in it so that also is going to
help this chicken crisp up and
caramelize and give it a little bit more
brownish to the top so be mindful of
that because it burns quicker so if you
do use a rub that has sugar in it make
sure you take that into account ability
when you are cooking this in your oven
if you choose to do this step so I'm
good to go for dinner tonight as far as
my meat is concerned only thing I'll
have to do later on is throw some
vegetables or something on the stove but
the Maggie mill is done and I can relax