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Junior Bacon Cheeseburger Wendy's

junior bacon cheeseburger wendy's


I'm about to slide Wendy's right now because they are said to have their giant junior bacon cheeseburger wendy's was a good baby about hit wendy's with the mean pull up game you know how I do my pull up game dump strong slide up over here order up this you know giant junior bacon cheeseburger see what this thing is all about oh they do all type of construction over here construction structure was

This is a return something that they're bringing back and I know it's part of like a $ 5 mile deal I believe the burger itself it's 349 so we're gonna see the difference between the giant junior bacon cheeseburger and the regular junior bacon cheeseburger and of course you know the price point all that good stuff we're gonna see is it worth it is it's worth 349 or they ordering the whole menu huh all y'all just up there leaning out the window with it

Oh y'all got the whole family up in there I see everybody on our cousins that's overstayed they welcome for Christmas thankful wait a minute y'all yeah I have wanted you guys to have the giant junior bacon cheeseburger all right so let me get the sandwich only

Then also let me get the original junior bacon cheeseburger Facebook Twitter she made me a James Ross back again with another soul food we can take a baby I know you can't hey listen man I let's go ahead and get right into this little thang thing here I'm moving at my local Wendy's I made sure that I ordered the giant junior bacon cheeseburger and the original junior bacon cheeseburger the original the junior bacon cheeseburger is only a dollar ninety-nine and the giant junior the bacon cheeseburger is 349 so for the upcharge of a dollar fifty let's find out if it's worth

Before even opening this one already feels a little heavier now let's see what makes it heavier baby it is it more beef aye baby boo this is the original junior bacon cheeseburger soft born action when I drop the top on the convertible box we're gonna expose that red ring of death we're gonna expose the crunchy the water we're gonna move that out of our way just so we could look at reality and reality happens to be some process cheese some bacon that should never ever ever be faking and you know Wendy's likes to serve up their beef game that is never frozen according to them now we're gonna slide up over here to the giant the giant junior bacon cheeseburger once again drop the top on the convertible box we have the same raggedy red ring of death sitting in the same extra raggedy dead crunchy piece of water crunchy water all over the place however this time around I want y'all to see I need I need that invest side-by-side comparison do y'all see the difference before I pointed out do you all clearly

See the difference what makes it giant it's definitely not the size because reality is Wendy's that's the same exact size however I have broken up pieces of bacon and not one but Oh double the bacon okay double the bacon cheese a the beef they call it giant however you should just call it a double just call it doubles trouble to the double junior bacon cheeseburger versus the giant because giant means extremely big and we're not getting extremely big we're just getting an extension of however we're getting more beef we're getting more bacon

It now let's put these things back together being so basically food a film for the dollar fifty increase, you're receiving more bacon and more beef still the same exact size bun the circumference game is the same giant I'm thinking extra big right you could just call this the double the double junior bacon cheeseburger because that's exactly what it is it's double trouble now I'm gonna take a bite to think you're busy mmm phenom hit the double trouble normally my 10:30 a.m. burger is banging there's a little extra love there you know my burger isn't as dry and the bacon is still crisp but at best my junior bacon cheeseburger is flexing or 3:03 my giant intruder bacon cheeseburger there's a three and a half

I have a little more grease game happens there to help the dryness of my beef slide down a little easier but ultimately it's not a supreme banger I know you're thinking damn perhaps you should have left on the red ring of death in that crunchy water it would have helped it would have provided an additional flair of freshness that you just don't get when you remove it and you know what you're probably right you know what else I probably always remove it is you new here if so welcome my burgers are drying the supply this time around probably because I came closer to noon than I did when they actually opened I did that to myself I had things

I had to take care of this morning so that's my bad right however the care is is there look a dollar ninety-nine will suit you just fine for your basic junior bacon cheeseburger with tomatoes and lettuce, it is what it is a nice little bite get you right for lunch with that crunch or munch on the bacon however if this won't do you for another dollar 50 you can step it up and get a little more bacon little more beef if you need a medium pipe but I'm telling you right now you might want to do ten thirty well do you have it Dame is the giant junior bacon cheeseburger worth the additional dollar 50 a 50 1 cent upgrade to make it 250 maybe right maybe me right I understand why it's 349 because you're paying for the product you're paying for additional beef you're paying for additional strips of bacon, if they added an extra bun then it probably being even four dollars that would be the other $0.50

I'm having a tough time saying it's worth 349 I just don't see it that's just me you know 250mm three dollars even three dollars of stretching it we're gonna stick with that 250 piece but Wendy's you know nice try but stop just flinging around the word giant it's like flinging around the word love it'd be easy with that you don't saying you got a double you don't have a giant easy baby, you know what it is you know how we get down every Monday Wednesday Friday Oh Monday Wednesday Friday Oh Monday Wednesday Friday Oh more and more and more so for these kids like a baby I know you can't hey listen man your when's when do you play too much you you're trying to get some extra bread off the top, you're doing the most for the league trying to have us pay more