Cheeseburger Casserole With Biscuits
Today I'm going to be showing you two easy recipes two easy dinners that you can do for your family even tonight so let's get started so if you've been following me for a while you know I do very easy recipes because I have I work I have kids I'm like all over the place sometimes and I just need something that's very easy to do and of course delicious
so leaves for the first meal that I'm going to be making today is biscuit cheeseburger casserole so over the weekend Paul made some cute little cheeseburger sliders and of course I was inspired by that so what we're gonna do first is I have a bell pepper behind me and I'm just going to chop up about a a quarter of it and start getting it softened and then I'll put it aside and then start on some ground beef I hope everybody is having a wonderful day it's
so I'm only gonna get started on softening up these and really I could even just cook the brown the meat first and then do this but I really want them nice and soft so the other kids won't notice and when I say won't notice I mean this a kid so let me finish chopping so I just did exactly what I wasn't going to do but that's okay because I'll move it to the side and then soften up the bell peppers but I'm just gonna hook up this ground beef I guess first and you Daniel in for this meat masher alright so we're going to get this going and I'll bring get closer alright so I have most of this hook
so I am going to now put the bell peppers in here on the the side now it's just a little bit it's just a quarter cup and when this softens up a little bit, I actually have a little bit of cooked onion already from this weekend that is just teeny tiny like this so I'm gonna brave it to you guys I'm gonna brave it instead of dehydrated I'm just gonna add what we have I'm also going to go ahead and put in some pepper it calls for an eighth of a cup no I'm sorry an eighth of a teaspoon so it's probably like a bunch of shakes and then when this is getting going some more I'm going to then add some tomato sauce and then I'll show you what else I'm putting so here are those like caramelized onions
I'm sure they are delicious I mean I cook them but I'm just gonna do it I'm sure it'll be delicious so I'm just gonna add about equal parts which is supposed to be about a quarter cup anyways and here goes the tomato sauce now another thing that we'll have to add is some ketchup and it's only a quarter cup so I'm just gonna kind of eyeball it that's it we're just gonna give it a little bit of a mix make sure it comes to a nice little simmer and then it's ready to go
so easy right, you guys so that ketchup in there is what really I think brings in that cheeseburger the taste I really do and so it almost kind of looks like this chili so what I'm gonna do right now I've sprayed an 8 by 8 now the recipe will be linked below because I always do that for you guys so that way you can have it to go to as a resource as well so I'm gonna put 1/3 so I'm gonna cut this recipe or the meat mixture into thirds approximately just kind of eyeball it and then we're gonna do some layering with some American cheese
now I said it a couple of times I'm sure I'm not a huge fan of American cheese only in grilled cheeses and cheeseburgers so this is perfect so I'm just gonna go ahead and do this and I'll bring you closer right now I'm just gonna put some biscuits on top looking good okay so this one needed country biscuits and you're supposed to put it around the side so the bit the dish is supposed to be like 12-inch this is an 8 by 8 so the dish is a bit smaller but you know what it's
okay so I'm just gonna still put the biscuits around and then the ones that is leftover I'm just gonna put them on a piece of foil and then put it side-by-side so I got about 6 in here so I'll just put the other two in the oven right next to it so pretty much this is just going into the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes or so just until the biscuits are cooked
let's put them in this just came out of the oven and it smells so good so I'll have like Kobe eat some before he goes to work and we'll scoop it up and he can even put it in the biscuits, if he would like and then that way it leaves more of an opening for like all of us to serve Paul to get some and I'll show you what we're eating with it on the side so this is what we're having for the side I mean you can't have a cheeseburger without some french fries