Double Cheeseburger Vs Mcdouble
July is a particularly hot year so I do at least somewhat have the excuse of it being too hot to cook but still um I'm playing with the McDonald's app and I've kind of learned yeah you can customize the items there but um they might not always do what you want
I mean they're not really set up for that you know they're set up to the kind of standardize I mean yes if you ask them to leave something off they'll do it but they not really set up it's not the most um non-conformist of restaurants so we say um yes I am in America not quite sure why that's here maybe the bags are made
I don't know but I've been curious there were two items that seemed identical except the price is slightly different at least I thought it was but um apparently not there was the um the mcdouble and the double cheeseburger and I do not know what the difference is here so unwrapping the double cheeseburger now um
okay no sesame seeds we got um two patties two slices of cheese you know you think they might have a third on the top have ketchup one pickle some of their reconstituted onions and i think some mustard okay on the bottom I think it's just the cheese yeah it's sticking that's yeah okay so now we got the mech double to see if there are any differences maybe they've got sesame seeds nope again um wait do this ah
I think we found the difference the double cheeseburger has two slices of cheese, the mech double only has one okay I didn't think I'd find the difference I'm uh I'm I'm surprised okay so maybe I should at least cut down on the carbs by um making a mech quadruple cheeseburger or something um that works out well here um
okay oh right I guess a shot of me biting into this would probably be a good ender though compared to the triple baconator obviously what I also had in the car and forgot about yeah this might have um been interesting to also try um actually probably good that I didn't try to open this in the car and make carrying it to the refrigerator a little awkward