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Avocado Toast With Scrambled Egg


avocado toast with scrambled egg

Hi everyone and welcome back to taste the kitchen today is all about the breakfast which is my favorite meal of the day by far go-to workout first in the morning straight back and have a lovely big breakfast vegetarian this one smashed an avocado little bit of lime we've got some gluten-free toast salt and pepper some fresh eggs we've got some pea shoots just to dress it so maybe smashed avocado scrambled eggs pea shoots the little glug of olive oil over the top 

Know why I'm doing this one I put a little question out there saying what do you want for your favorite choice of meal with a big tuna steak on a mango salad or breakfast one rocker so so I've got to do it however your The next meal is going to be yeah you guessed it it's a good tuna one let's get cooking right so grab your avocados first of all cut around the edge like that I don't know what it is without a kind of it always annoys me that you have you buy four or five they're not ripe they're not right they suddenly straight away they're all completely off you've got a few straight in the bin chives are mental rights just cut around the outside just lightly like that pop it out nice and gently 

there we go tuck me in a bit and just me get some warmth now into your pan so tell me a bit of power to me and then you two that is going to pop run north of butter keep down the low heat and we're going to do is pop out you see Accardo nice and fine grab yourself bowl but we have Accardo strains the bowl you want salt you want pepper don't be shy with it because avocado is quite a plain fruit anyway so just good sprinkle over top like that then you go put your line again don't be shy line moments up and what we're going to do is smash that up really 

really smash it yeah that is literally done that's all you need to do that would be so tasty just because you've got the lime on there just got the citrus flavor coming through right get your piece of toast and pop that at your toaster grab yourself your three eggs crack them open and as they give them a quick mix it up and don't need any butter or milk in this basically the butter itself so you don't need any butter and milk in the eggs itself all you going to do is lightly melt your butter over your pan just so it doesn't stick and the way 

I'm going to do it is just lightly cook these and it will give it this sort of a ribbon effect rather than beating it frantically whip cream which makes it go very curly and very sort of small fine pieces of egg this would be more like the American style which would be very velvety so pick that up get me fat around your pan all you're gonna do is pour that on a don't stir it straightaway okay that's the key so you're almost doing it knocking on the ball that way I just start to cook slightly start to firm up still don't turn it yeah don't you touch it let back up slightly with the heat now 

I can start to fold that you'll see that leave it again let it shakedown toast is pretty much done as well so this is really a five-minute breakfast okay so it's so simple so much better than Syria as well give that another little fold like that you see you start getting some ribbon effect that can come after heat he's done you'll get some pepper just to season off the heat now serve upright so your eggs it done all you're gonna do is take it off the heat get a grab your toast I don't usually put butter on your toast it's up to you if you want to put a little bit so the exercise rigging 

I need let's take it now to combo and what I'm going to do press that down into toast plenty of it grab here lovely eggs and you're just going to literally lay that chest on top just on top and that answer there just address the plate lightly just gonna use some pea shoots pop them on top nobody uses the basil and then just the last bits a little bit of olive oil slips you just glove that around the plate how simple is that literally five minutes we've just got a perfect breakfast right so there we have it scrambled eggs on smashed avocado with lime fat zesty lime going through their gluten-free toasts and pea shoots olive oil a little bit of salt and pepper and Are you ready to go now thanks for watching guys, we'll see you next week please tell everyone about the channel is getting subscribe and please put your comments and tell me which one your next meal I think the next ones might just be chilly though because that's the last thing she's going all reverses so enjoy guys next week

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