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How to Make Avocado Toast With Egg


how to make avocado toast with egg

Hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and today I really wanted to show you a quick dish that can really be a breakfast a lunch like dinner or anything really it's not really a recipe it's something I kind of just put together out of necessity because I was going out of town and I only had a few ingredients leftover that I kind of wanted to use up so we're basically making a nice beautiful butter toast with some avocado and a poached egg it's very simple 

You can make it for anything really and you're going to need a few ingredients which don't get any easier than that I've got some leftover bread you can use sourdough you can use any bread that you would like I've got some avocado lemon parsley eggs salt and pepper a little bit of distilled white vinegar and some butter that's it now I know some people might say oh it's too easy but I know a lot of you really like these quick go-to recipes for whatever the occasion so I figured I'd Share it with you since 

I was in the mood for it now got my oven preheated to 400 I'm going to work on my bread first I'm gonna take my unsalted butter it's at room temperature and I'm just going to smear about half a tablespoon on each one it's going to be the perfect base for the creamy avocado and then the beautifully poached egg and this is going to be like the bed the catch at all it's going to be divine but you could also put some bacon under this if you wanted to know anything you want but I'm going to keep it this way just because it's easy and it's good alright that looks great 

I'm going to pop this in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes or until it's beautifully golden brown and crispy and then I'm gonna pop that in and then we can get going on the poaching the egg of a large deep skillet here filled halfway up with water and it's up to a simmer so I'm going to add in my distilled vinegar oops look a little bit in there now that's going we're going to add our eggs now this is a new method of poaching eggs I was taught not too long ago by someone who is very very knowledgeable in the culinary world so I've been following her advice and I've been loving it just drop an egg in do this kind of fast 

oops got a little shell in there do this kind of fast because you don't want the temperature of the water to drop and you also want the eggs all to cook at the same time you can pre-crack them in a different Bowl if you want to so that they're all ready to go okay the eggs are in I've got my phone here and I've got a one-minute timer turn that on I'm going to leave this on for one minute after one minute exactly I'm going to cover my pan turn the heat off completely and let them sit for five minutes exactly five minutes you will have perfectly poached eggs we've got just gonna have to trust me on this works like a charm 

I couldn't believe it when she showed it to me I felt like I've been left out completely I don't all things cool to be honest with you because it is the easiest way to poach eggs I I've ever seen so those are going in the meantime let's work on the avocado mashing up the avocado which couldn't be easier just split this open you want to make sure it's nice ripe avocado this looks beautiful take it out the fork or spoon doesn't really matter well I make sure it's nice and soft that's got 12 seconds left and then we could turn off I'm telling you this new method will change the way you've ever looked at poaching eggs it's the easiest thing in the world to one-timers did turn this off 

I'm putting my timer on for five minutes all right I'm just going to take me it's going to take me a picado just can't even have a car door out it's good it's a little brown it's a totally fine add-in your parsley is nothing too strong I wouldn't I mean you could add cilantro he'll if you hear if you wanted to but I don't want to add something that's so overpowering and kind of want everything to be mellow and kind of go together really well and nothing overpowers another no ingredient overpowers another so I go to in mine of lemon juice because we all know Mikado's need it otherwise, they turn brown without any it's awesome pepper and then just smash it up that easy 

I've got my eggs done and just took them out with like a little slotted spoon or whatever and five minutes exactly and they are perfection on every level works every time it is the best trick I've ever learned thanks to Krysta I will never make poached eggs any other way that's simple I've got my bread has been toasted beautifully sitting here my avocado I'm my rock and roll take one piece some of my avocado mash not too much because it can be a bit too creamy then take an egg Brown them in the middle and this is something that's so great if I go to recipe for whatever you are serving whether it's lunch or brunch or whatnot a little bit of black pepper and just a tiny sprinkle of paprika for color mmm who doesn't have leftover bread eggs all the time

I right let's give this a go cut it right in the middle and look at that egg Oh beautiful it is beautiful mmm-hmm mmm-hmm mm-hmm that's got everything you want it's filling it's easy requires a handful of ingredients let me know if we try this recipe if you change things up or if you add things and definitely love to know if you want to get the amount of everything heads over to Laura any kitchen command if you enjoy spending time with me that's a eunuch you

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